The primary objectives of the chiropractic programme are to safeguard public health and ensure the safety of the treatments provided. Chiropractors are trained to recognise clinical situations within their expertise and those that necessitate further diagnosis or medical intervention. Students develop a comprehensive level of core competencies to manage neuromusculoskeletal disorders effectively as primary care providers, delivering appropriate, safe, and high-quality chiropractic care.

competencies acquired through the programme
Evaluate a clinical situation, assess suitability for chiropractic treatment and establish a diagnosis in the field of chiropractic
Design and establish a chiropractic treatment plan
Carry out the appropriate treatment for the patient
Integrate an educational and advisory approach
Communicate with and establish a professional relationship with the patient
Organise activities and collaborate with health professionals
Reflect on practices in light of changes in the professional environment.
Research, analyse and use of professional and scientific data
Manage a chiropractic clinic
UE 1.1 Chemistry – biophysics
UE 1.2 Cell and development
UE 2.1 General anatomy and histology
UE 2.2 Limb anatomy
UE 5.1 Clinical Sciences – Introduction
UE 7.1 History and philosophy of chiropractic, health and care
UE 7.2 Communication in chiropractic 1
UE 8.1 Methodology
UE 1.3 NMSk physiology – Sport physiology
UE 1.4 Biochemistry, metabolism, immunology
UE 2.3 Biomechanics – extremities
UE 2.4 Specialized histology
UE 2.5 Anatomy of the spine and thoracic cage
UE 4.1 General imaging and extremities imaging
UE 5.2 Examination of extremities
UE 7.3 Communication in chiropractic 2
UE 8.2 Biostatistics – Introduction
UE 9.1 Clinical observation internship
UE 1.5 Cardio-pulmonary and renal physiology
UE 1.6 Clinical neurophysiology and pain
UE 2.6 Head-neck thorax-abdo-pelvis anatomy
UE 2.7 Spine bioméchanics
UE 4.2 Normal thorax spine imaging
UE 5.3 Spine-thorax-abdomen-pelvis examination
UE 6.1 Basics of thorax-lumbar vertebral manipulation
UE 7.4 Chiropractic in the field of health
UE 8.3 Applied biostatistics and foundations in epidemiology
UE 1.7 Digestive physiology, nutrition and endocrinology
UE 2.8 Neuroanatomy
UE 3.1 Anatomo-pathology, bactoriology and virology
UE 4.3 Principles of semiology in spine imaging
UE 5.4 Dynamic spine and thorax examination – Anamnesis in chiropractic practice
UE 6.2 Interventions and treatments in chiropractic 1
UE 7.5 Clinical psychology
UE 7.6 Public health – MSD prevention – Organization of the health system
UE 9.2 Clinical observation internship
UE 2.9 Tutorials in anatomy
UE 3.2 General semiology 1
UE 3.3 Semiology in general neurology
UE 4.4 General semiology in mechanical pathology and orthopaedics 1
UE 5.5 Basics of the neuro-orthopaedic examination
UE 6.3 Interventions and treatments in chiropractic 2
UE 8.4 Analysis of scientific articles
UE 3.4 General semiology 2
UE 3.5 Semiology in general rheumatology
UE 3.6 Cardio-pulmonary semiology – Emergency care
UE 4.5 General semiology in mechanical pathology and orthopaedics 2
UE 5.6 Examination of the patient – Simple clinical situations
UE 6.4 Interventions and treatments in chiropractic 3
UE 8.5 Applied research
UE 9.3 Anamnesis and diagnosis of opportunity in chiropractic
UE 9.4 Clinical application intership
UE 9.5 Hospital internship
UE 3.7 Pharmacology and biological analyses
UE 3.8 Semiology in pediatrics and geriatrics
UE 3.9 Semiology of spychiatric disorders
UE 4.6 Semiology of truncal and radicular damage – Spinal trauma and sports traumatology
UE 5.7 Examination of the patient – Complex clinical situations
UE 6.5 Interventions and treatments in chiropractic 4 – Risks and complications
UE 6.6 Rehabilitation – Care of pregnant women and children
UE 7.7 Relationship with the patient, ethics and deontology
UE 8.6 Systematic and critical review of litterature
UE 9.6 Clinical application internship
UE 9.7 Diagnostic approach, management and therapeutic decision in chiropractic 1
UE 4.7 Traumatologie of extremities – functional NMSk ultra sound assisted examination
UE 6.7 Soft tissue instruments and techniques
UE 6.8 Chiropractic interventions and treatments 5
UE 7.8 Patient rights, liability and professional regulations
UE 8.7 Dissertation preparation
UE 9.8 Diagnostic approach, management and therapeutic decision in chiropractic 2
UE 9.9 Hospital internship (neuro/ortho/rheumatology/imaging) 2
UE 9.10 Clinical chiropractic Internship 1
UE 6.3 Interventions and treatments in chiropractic 2
UE 7.9 Education and therapeutic project – Bio-psycho-sociology and clinical psychology in chiropractic care
UE 8.8 Dissertation
UE 9.11 Clinical case studies – MSDs and occupational diseases
UE 9.12 Hospital internship 3
UE 9.13 Clinical chiropractic Internship 2
UE 4.8 Advanced NMSk diagnostics
UE 6.10 Interventions and treatments in chiropractic 7
UE 7.10 Professional project
UE 8.9 Dissertation and defense
UE 9.14 Clinical chiropractic Internship 3
UE 9.15 Clinical case studies – Management of sport patients
UE 9.16 Internship in a private practice
Additional UE : Clinical nutrition (GEP only)